Accelerating Code Development with Intel OneAPI on Intel XPUs
Location: SC20 Virtual Platform
Date: Thursday, 19 November 2020, 10:30am - 11am EST, Track 6
Event Description:
The session highlights community activities to prepare for the use of Intel XPUs (GPUs, FPGAs) in large systems; e.g, oneAPI for Aurora and the science driving the work. Programming for heterogeneous platforms containing XPUs using the Intel oneAPI programming framework is the central topic. This builds on IXPUG community work in preparing codes for the parallelism of Intel CPUs and Xe hardware. Experts from Zuse Institute Berlin, Argonne National Laboratory, and Intel Corporation share plans, priorities and early experiences with oneAPI.
Replay available if you registered for SC20.
SC Page link: https://sc20.supercomputing.org/presentation/?id=exforum123&sess=sess327
Start | End | Title | Author(s) | Presentation |
11:00am | 11:01am | Welcome | David Martin (Argonne National Laboratory) |
Presentation |
11:01am | 11:03am | Performance Users | Thomas Steinke (Zuse Institute Berlin) |
(continued from Welcome presentation) |
11:03am | 11:13am | oneAPI Initiative | Joe Curley (Intel Corporation) |
11:13am | 11:20am | oneAPI on Aurora | Colleen Bertoni and Bethany Lusch (Argonne National Laboratory) |
Presentation |
11:20am | Live Q&A |